Cathédrale Sainte-Croix d'Orléans
Cathédrale Sainte-Croix d’Orléans
“Si je n’y suis [en la grâce de Dieu], Dieu m’y mette; et, si j’y suis, Dieu m’y tienne! Je serais le plus dolente de monde si je savais ne pas être en la grâce de Dieu”
— Jeanne d’Arc

Today’s Feast Days

6 November

Abbot / ἡγούμενος, Educator
Joseph Khang
Martyr, Tertiary
Leonard of Noblac
(c. 559)
Abbot / ἡγούμενος, Hermit, Monk
(c. 535)
Paul I
(c. 350)
Archbishop, Martyr, Presbyter
(c. 304)
Bishop, Martyr
(c. 640–c. 716/717)
Abbot / ἡγούμενος, Prior

For the future does not exist. If the future existed it would not, by definition, be the future.

Ned Rorem (1923–2022)

American composer and diarist

“Nantucket Diary”—Setting The Tone: Essays and a Diary (1984)