Place du Martroi, Orléans
Place du Martroi, Orléans
“Si je n’y suis [en la grâce de Dieu], Dieu m’y mette; et, si j’y suis, Dieu m’y tienne! Je serais le plus dolente de monde si je savais ne pas être en la grâce de Dieu”
— Jeanne d’Arc

Today’s Feast Days

7 March

(c. 182–c. 203)
Martyr, Virgin
Leonid Feodorov
Exarch / Экза́рх / Έξαρχος, Hieromartyr (Ὁ Ἱερομάρτυρας / Священному́ченик), Monk, Priest
(c. 182–c. 203)
Martyr, Virgin

Then came days of depression, when I huddled in my armchair empty as a burst paper-bag–turning the leaves of The Constant Nymph or The Boy in the Bush, dreaming miserably of the Tirol, of Australia, hating my life, knowing I should never escape, and then comforting myself by ordering a double portion of buttered toast.

Christopher Isherwood (1904–1986)

Anglo-American writer

Lions and Shadows (1938)