Albert Chmielowski«Adam Hilary Bernard Chmielowski»

Founder, Tertiary
Orders/Societies Associated with: Albertine Brothers / Albertyni*; Albertine Sisters / Albertynki**; Third Order Regular of St. Francis***
Place of birth:Kingdom of Poland (Congress Poland / Russian Poland)
Place of death:Kingdom of Poland (Regency Kingdom of Poland)††
17 June
22/06/1983 by Ioannes Paulus II
12/11/1989 by Ioannes Paulus II
Patron of:Diocese of Sosnowiec†††; Puławy
Patron of:Albertine Sisters {Congregation of Albertine Sisters Serving the Poor}, Franciscan tertiaries, harvests, painters, Servants of the Poor {Albertine Brothers} {Third Order Regular of St. Francis}, soldiers, travellers, volunteers
*Albertine Brothers of Third Order Regular of St. Francis Servants of the Poor / Zgromadzenie Braci Albertynów Trzeciego Zakonu Świętego Franciszka Posługujących Ubogim / Fratres Albertini Pauperis Inservientes III Ordinis Sancti Patri Francisci [1888]
**Congregation of Albertine Sisters Serving the Poor / Zgromadzenie Sióstr Albertynek Posługujących Ubogim / Congregatio Sororum Albertinarum Pauperibus Inservientium [1891]
***Third Order Regular of St. Francis of Penance / Tertius Ordo Regularis Sancti Francisci [1221]
Królestwo Polskie (Królestwo Kongresowe) / Царство Польское (Конгрессовой Польшей) [1815–1867]
††Królestwo Polskie (Królestwo Regencyjne) / Königreich Polen (Regentschaftskönigreich Polen) [1916–1918]
†††Dioecesis Sosnoviensis / Diecezja Sosnowiecka


This is by no means an exhaustive collection of saints. Many newly canonised saints may be missing and many local saints for which I could only find scant information on have been left out. But this is a substantial collection nonetheless.

The names of the saints are listed as they would have appeared in the time the saint lived (to the best I can determine). Click on the saint’s name in the list to see more information about that saint. If you wish to see saints for a different date, select that date below. Or you can select a saint by their name or by places they are associated with.

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Information has been gathered predominantly from the following books:
D’Arcy, Mary Ryan. The Saints of Ireland. St. Paul, MN: Irish American Cultural Institute. 1974.
Kelly, Sean and Rogers, Rosemary. The Saint-a-Day Guide. New York: Random House Trade Paperback. 2001.
Ó Riain, Pádraig. A Dictionary of Irish Saints. Dublin: Four Courts Press. 2011.
Thurston S.J., Herbert J. and Attwater Donald, eds. Butler’s Lives of the Saints. Westminster, MD: Christian Classics. 1990
and the following websites:
and various vetted articles in: Wikipedia